Our services

Because " going on vacation" is important, there's no question of being worse off than at home at such a special time! We have placed great importance on decoration, bed comfort, kitchen layout and relaxation areas (terrace with comfortable lounge...). What's more, the houses are ideally located in the heart of the village, within easy reach of all amenities.

Free Wi-Fi

Free Wi-Fi access - Fiber

Free parking

Parking available in the courtyards of the houses. Free parking available 50 meters away

Check inn/out

Check-in and check-out with key-box system. An inventory is provided, and you have 24 hours after arrival to report any malfunctions.

Household linen

Linen provided: sheets, towels, tea towels

Cleaning service

A cleaning service is included at the end of your stay. Additional cleaning services available on request.


Flat-screen TV SFR channels


Breakfast service on request and at extra charge

Furnished tourist accommodation

Our two mazets are classified "Meublés de Tourisme" 3 and 4 stars.

Furmer ban

Smoking is prohibited inside the two mazets.

Information about Les Mazets de Jules

Les Mazets de jules

Linen is provided for all rentals. Check-in and check-out times may vary from day to day.





Phone Number

(+33) 6 60 81 05 77

Contact mail


Our services
Our services